- Written by Visible Legacy News
Navigator montage example
What's in the Navigator Datasheet montage? This video describes how the screenshots in the montage — and the resulting links, pages and maps — were put together.
We posted a new Visible Legacy Navigator datasheet in the company news feed. This video shows what we are representing with the datasheet montage: an initial keyword Search, the Navigator Overview map, visiting an innovation disclosure and a Journal article to represent reading around the topic, and using the Navigator Detail Page for an "in between" expert to quickly find their biography and contact page.
Montage Video
This example was inspired by a recent Stanford News article. If you would like to visit the links in the video they are listed below:
- Based on article, we did an initial search for "optogenetics brain stimulation" . The search results show papers, projects, disclosures.
- We picked the Project "A Wirelessly Powered, Fully Internal Implant That Enables Optogenetic Stimulation of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Peripheral Nervous System in Untethered Mice" close to the top of the list.
- We then reviewed the related Innovation Disclosure "A wirelessly powered, fully internal implant that enables optogenetic stimulation" for details on the available technology. Click through to the Stanford OTL page (Stanford's Office of Technology Licensing). Crosscheck information.
- Reading the published papers around the project, click through to the paper "Self-tracking Energy Transfer for Neural Stimulation in Untethered Mice".
- Looking at the author list we find a visiting scholar who has tag of "Antennas for Medical Applications". Click on his "Detail" button to open the detail page for "Yuji Tanabe". I can follow the links directly to his bio page with contact info.
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